Saturday, August 27, 2005


Kerry was forced/bought to drop out of the election! He was winning he wouldn't just quit/

They're lieing about gas prices! At $70 a barrel of oil (50 gallons per barrel) thats NOT $2.50 a gallon even with tax and profit. And why should they ever go down? They know we'll pay that much anyway, they'll just lose money!

This war is not about getting back at them for 9/11, its all about OIL! Thats all Bush cares about!

What are we going to do if we ever do catch Bin Laden? Kill him? Does that justify all those lives lost on 9/11?

Bush says we arent leaving the middle east till they have a 'democratic structured government'. The was things are now, that will be 10 YEARS!!! And he's just sentencing soldiers to their death because of it!!

Our Army is fighting secret wars around the world. What is our army doing then when there isnt a war? They cant be just training. You dont train for 10 years straight. And they dont want us to know about the why dont we??? Because, who do you know thats in the CIA. They dont tell you that, but there are PEOPLE in it. Thats how all that news got out about that one person. You dont tell anyone if your in the CIA, so thats why nobody knows!

We are just going to drop the war in the M.E. just like we did Vietnam!

more later.........


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